Mansfield Township Elementary School

Columbus, New Jersey


Faridy Veisz Fraytak, PC Architects/Planners


Mansfield Township Board of Education


89,955 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


The Mansfield Township School District is a kindergarten through sixth-grade district; middle through high school students attend the adjacent Northern Burlington Regional School District. The new Mansfield Township Elementary School accommodates 803 students.
The 89,995-square-foot facility has been sited uniquely on a campus that includes the new Northern Burlington Regional Middle School and the existing Northern Burlington Regional High School. The site was master-planned to include bus and vehicular traffic on a common roadway system with a separate HVAC system field shared by the new elementary and middle schools.
The school is designed to meet LEED green building criteria, including the geothermal water surface heating and air-conditioning system. It is designed to provide continuous circulation by way of a corridor system without any dead ends, allowing for ease of use as well as supervision. The two-story academic wing is separated from the core facility wing, segregating public access spaces from students. The school has been designed to harmonize with the surrounding residential communities.
Special design features of the new facility include multi-color brick and fiberglass-shingled sloped roofs. The masonry construction of the face brick exterior and CMU painted interior allow for durability and are aesthetically pleasing.

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Cost per Sq Ft


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2004 Architectural Portfolio

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