MacArthur Elementary School
Fort Leavenworth, Kansas
The “21st-Century Classroom” was the theme that originated the design of a MacArthur Elementary School classroom. This classroom of the new millennium serves as a prototype of the instructional environment. The classroom bridges traditional instruction with high-tech methodology. Along with the students, teachers are given hands-on experience with computers, distance learning, interactive instruction boards and other high-tech accessories.
The space is arranged to allow for flexibility for computer research, lecture, group activities and individual study. Ovens, microwave ovens and refrigerators give added abilities to conduct applied-science activities. An attached greenhouse structure aids in experiments. Variable lighting independently lightens and darkens certain areas of the room.
Traditional oak trim has been added to help reinforce the bridge of today to tomorrow, and at the same time harmonize the touch of the human hand and machine.
Photographers: ©Schrader Marcus & Associates
Additional Information
Associated Firm
Farris Engineering
Cost per Sq Ft
Featured in
2000 Educational Interiors
Interior category
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