Love Creek Elementary

Lewes, Delaware


Tetra Tech


Cape Henlopen School District


9,906 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


As children interact with the world around them, they develop relationships with “found” spaces in which they feel safe, play, and thereby begin to learn. This was the foundation of the design intent for the school. The design achieved this by architecturally creating special moments of exploration and imagination throughout the school, planning for the maximum level of inclusion with peers, and enabling children to grow and learn from one another.
Made up of five unique wings, the school has large visually and physically open corridors with movable furniture to accommodate collaboration.
There are nooks for individual moments, small stages for dramatic display, long conversation benches, and an overall sense of transparency and inclusion.
Large windows, both inside and out, enable light to filter deep into the building’s central collaboration corridors. Neutral palates, warm woods, and seasonal color accents bring the whole school together, creating seamless transitions.
The design is conscientious of environmental requirements and community concerns. It incorporates sustainable features such as daylight harvesting, large insulated windows, and carbon footprint minimization.

Additional Information

Associated Firm

MacIntosh Engineering, Furlow Associates Inc., Corsi Associates, Davis Bowen & Friedel, Inc.

Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2018 Educational Interiors Showcase

Interior category

Common Areas

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