Los Angeles Southwest College, East and West Side Campus Improvements

Los Angeles, California


Sillman Wright Architects


Los Angeles Community College District


276,164 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


The architect teamed with the design-builder for this Los Angeles Community College District project. The project is designed to achieve sustainable objectives, maintain cost parameters and expedite construction.
The college is constructing: a 64,498-square-foot student-services building; a 18,160-square-foot fieldhouse; a 18,913-square-foot maintenance and operations facility; a 4,640-square-foot security building; a new 169,953-square-foot (500-car) parking garage; and a 4,500-seat stadium.
In addition, a new track and football field with support facilities and campus infrastructure improvements are included in the scope of work.
The distinctive design enhances the campus master plan and incorporates the existing color palette to create continuity.
Sustainable objectives for the project will achieve a minimum “certified” or higher LEED goal. To meet this objective, photovoltaic panels will be incorporated into the design, providing 10 percent of the total energy requirements.
The design team also developed an innovative solution to recycle discarded concrete, asphalt paving and spoils. By raising the stadium floor, they will avoid exporting soils, instead recycling the used concrete from the demolition of the existing fieldhouse and the old asphalt paving from the parking lot as a base for the new stadium track.
Originally scheduled as a three-year project, the team is expected to deliver the improvements six months early.

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft


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2006 Architectural Portfolio


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