Licking Heights Local School District, High School

Pataskala, Ohio


BSHM architects, inc.


Licking Heights Local School District


275,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Situated about 20 miles east of Columbus, the Licking Heights Local School District footprint covers both rural and suburban living conditions. The 4,750-student population is diverse, representing cultures from around the world. Beyond being culturally diverse, the district recognizes that a traditional college education is not necessarily the right outcome for every student, so the curriculum has been developed to offer pathways that include not only college, but also vocational and service paths toward success.

Academic wings were established to echo the pathways that are available to students. Parallel corridors border building services in the center and come together in a central commons space. A balcony overlooking the commons space was developed so that the school could display flags from all the countries the students represent as a way of celebrating diversity.

In addition to a somewhat traditional classroom configuration off dual corridors, breakout spaces were provided throughout the corridors to accommodate informal learning and socialization.

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Cost per Sq Ft


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