Lexington High School, Auditorium and Competition Gymnasium Addition

Lexington, South Carolina


Jumper Carter Sease Architects


Lexington School District


446,680 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Lexington High School’s need for a new auditorium and competition gymnasium presented designers with the opportunity to seamlessly connect the art and music wing to the existing detached gymnasium. Modern materials such as glass and metal were combined with traditional materials such as brick and precast concrete to create an intriguing focal point that fits into the existing architecture. In the evening, this facility glows and helps to make the spaces more inviting, thus promoting community interaction.

To assist with crowd control when both spaces are being utilized, the new auditorium and competition gymnasium have separate lobbies. However, the two spaces share concession and restroom facilities in order to streamline services.

The gymnasium lobby is situated a story above the playing court; this enables visitors to have a unique view of all sporting events. In the auditorium, visitors are greeted with a beautiful atmosphere defined by strategically placed wood paneling.

Overall, the new auditorium and competition gymnasium work in tandem to create two distinct spaces that meld beautifully into the surrounding architecture and decor.

Additional Information



Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2009 Architectural Portfolio

Product suppliers specified

Door Hardware by Corbin Russwin
Carpet by Bigelow
Windows by EFCO
Ceilings by USG
HVAC Units by Trane
Athletic Equipment by AALCO
Scoreboards/Clocks by Daktronics
Roofing by Johns Manville
Fire/Life-Safety Systems by SimplexGrinnell
Ceramic Tile by Dal-Tile
Flooring by Tarkett USA
Physical-Education Flooring by Horner Flooring
Brick/Masonry by Cunningham Brick
Brick/Masonry by Hanson Brick
Auditorium/Assembly Furniture by Irwin Seating
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