Leslie F. Roblyer Middle School

El Reno, Oklahoma


Architects in Partnership


Board of Education, ISD No. 034


53,350 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Faced with crowded and deficient existing facilities; an electorate that had not supported a bond issue for new construction in more than 40 years; and a bonding capacity that was inadequate to meet the school district’s needs, the design team developed a three-pronged approach:
-The creation of a plan with projected enrollments showing how a new middle school would relieve enrollment pressures on the district’s four elementary schools and the junior high school. Repair and reroofing projects were identified, prioritized and scheduled. This plan was used to educate the voters about the bond election.
-A financial phasing plan for new construction and repair projects was developed and coordinated with the district’s current and projected future bonding capacities.
-A three-phased development plan for new construction of the middle school was established. Phase I included general use, computer, special education and science classrooms for grades 6 and 7; administration area; media center; and student commons. All ancillary facilities are sized for full enrollment capacity. Phase II will include physical-education and music facilities. Phase III will consist of general-use and science classrooms for grade 8. A fourth phase is timed for the projected overcrowding of the senior and junior high schools.

Photographer: ©Michelle Wurth

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft


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2000 Architectural Portfolio


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