Latin School of Chicago, Upper School Science Center
Chicago, Illinois
The new Upper School Science Center includes flexible classrooms for physics, chemistry, biology and general science. Other spaces include a student research room for independent study, prep and chemical storage room, faculty offices and a student lounge. The science rooms take advantage of technology with widescreen interactive whiteboards, LCD screens, a touchscreen control panel for laptop projection, a document camera and a wide-view camera for recording lessons.
The science center also includes the Interactive Science Forum, designed in collaboration with the Latin School science faculty. It serves as an educational hub for innovation and interaction, investigation and inquiry. Its differentiated, student-directed experiences engage science students—and those not otherwise inclined to the sciences—to discover the excitement and empowerment of science education at Latin.
As part of the upper school science center, Latin School has added a number of green technologies: photovoltaic solar panels, a bird-friendly wind turbine, a solar water heater and motion-sensitive lighting—all monitored by a 42-inch touchscreen that shows real-time graphs and gauges of the energy being used within the building
Additional Information
Associated Firm
Architecture Is Fun, Inc., Interactive Science Forum
Cost per Sq Ft
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2012 Educational Interiors
Interior category