Lassiter High School, Concert Hall, Media Center, Cafeteria and Kitchen Expansion and Renovations

Marietta, Georgia


Chapman Griffin Lanier Sussenbach Architects, Inc.


Cobb County School District


67,455 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Originally opened in 1981, Lassiter High School in Marietta, Ga., was designed to serve 1,575 students in the Cobb County School District. Twenty-nine years later, the school’s student population had grown to more than 2,100 students, yet the school’s core areas had not been expanded to accommodate that growth.

In 2010, the architect was commissioned to address those needs as part of a campus improvements plan. The major components of the project included the addition of a new 900-seat concert hall, as well as expansion and renovation of the school’s media center, cafeteria, kitchen and administration/guidance suite. The centerpiece of the campus improvements was the 28,500-square-foot Concert Hall, which was designed to not only accommodate Lassiter High School’s nationally recognized band, choral and orchestra music programs, but also serve the needs of the entire school district.

During the design process, district representatives asked the architect to look for ways to tie the building’s architecture thematically to the school’s mascot, the Trojans, and make a visual connection to the context and style of the existing campus buildings. To address this request, the architect blended elements of Classical Greek architecture with the less ornate brick- and aluminum-clad buildings found on campus.

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Cost per Sq Ft


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2013 Architectural Portfolio



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