KIPP Academy Lynn

Lynn, Massachusetts


KIPP Academy


68,400 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


The first charter school campus built from the ground up in Massachusetts, KIPP Academy Lynn is a middle and high school that is part of a national network of open-enrollment charter schools focused on underserved, low-income, minority communities.
The connected and flexible building design is based on KIPP’s mission that student outcomes drive every decision. Following this philosophy, the winged floorplan creates learning opportunities throughout the day as students flow from their classrooms to the centrally situated commons that includes a light-filled library, gym and cafeteria. These shared amenities bring students together with a series of dynamic, naturally lighted, tiered-levels. Students and faculty use the space for socializing, studying, and teaching outside the classroom.
With high ceilings and a south-facing window wall that leads out to a balcony overlooking downtown Lynn and the ocean, the cafeteria provides indoor/outdoor space in nice weather. The commons encourages learning for students throughout the school day and is used by the surrounding community for weekend and evening events that take advantage of its flexible, open, and bright space.

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2017 Educational Interiors Showcase

Interior category

Multipurpose Rooms

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