KIPP Academy Boston

Mattapan, Massachusetts




KIPP Academy


53,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Arrowstreet’s second project for KIPP Charter Schools is a new elementary and middle school in Boston’s Mattapan neighborhood. The facility includes a four-story classroom wing, administrative offices, a cafeteria, and a gymnasium.
This location will serves as the permanent home for the successful KIPP Academy Boston, and accommodates 650 students. Situated in the heart of the Mattapan neighborhood and next to a busy commuter rail line, the design team strategically positioned the school to both mitigate the impact of the rail line and knit the school into the surrounding urban fabric. To maximize the client’s budget and abbreviate the duration of construction, the school’s gymnasium was designed as an innovative pre-fabricated structure.

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Cost per Sq Ft


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