Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas, Early Childhood Language Immersion Center

Eagle Pass, Texas


kga, Inc.


Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas


64,567 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Design Team: KGA

The Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas, based on the edge of the Rio Grande in Eagle Pass, is a tribe seeking to balance education with preservation of its rich culture in order to help future members achieve success in the modern world. Integral to this balance was the development of a K-12 master plan beginning with a daycare and Head Start Center and a Tribal Student Services Center. The overall concept was to create a campus-like feel with smaller-scale buildings, all connected through a series of outdoor circulation paths and courtyards.

The design of the façade incorporated earth-rich materials, such as limestone and wood, in order to bridge the context of the region to the tribe’s connection with the landscape. The interior spaces and materials reflect natural elements designed to unite the exterior and interior.

Cultural preservation was the key theme throughout the design process. Through research and careful collaboration with tribal members, KGA was able to create a relevant and inviting space for the education of the tribe’s future generations.

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2019 Architectural Portfolio


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