Kenwood Station Elementary School

Crestwood, Kentucky


Scott/Klausing & Company, Inc.


Oldham County Board of Education


75,428 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Kenwood Station Elementary (KSE) is a new 75,428-square-foot, 625-student school on the South Oldham Campus in Crestwood, Ky.
Its sloping metal and shingle roofs and brick walls are compatible with the suburban setting.
Flooded with daylight, the lobby transitions into the commons concourse leading into the 27-classroom facility. The reception area and media center receive ample daylight through high interior glass around the lobby. The music and art rooms have access to an arts courtyard. The gym and cafetorium are separated by a dual-sided raised platform that can be used as a classroom or stage for audiences on either side. School colors, dark blue and orange, and Kenwood’s tiger mascot are incorporated into the design, branding the school and its users with an upbeat personality with which students and teachers can identify.
Kenwood is economical to operate and maintain, and uses a geothermal wellfield system, systems controls/monitoring and daylighting. Opened for classes in August 2005, this school is regarded as the most efficient plan of the district’s 20 schools.

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Cost per Sq Ft


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