Keene Central School

Keene Valley, New York


Collins + Scoville Architects


Keene Central School District


2,898 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Keene Central School is nestled in the Adirondack Mountains in northern New York. A K-12 facility, the school hosts the majority of community events in Keene Valley. The original 1930s brick building was in need of rehabilitation, additional classrooms and a new gymnasium.
The gym was designed to emulate an Adirondack barn and was separated from the existing building by a glass entry in deference to the earlier Georgian Revival structure. The glass entrance leads to a new commons, which connects the old and new sections of the school. The terrazzo tile floor was designed to symbolize an Adirondack stream—it flows the length of the corridor ending in a “pool” at the new entrance.
The extensive use of glass provides natural light and views of the mountains. Canopies installed over each classroom doorway, display windows and lively colors enhance the Main Street theme.

Photographer: ©David Lamb Photography

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft


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2000 Educational Interiors

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Common Areas

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