Kankakee Community College, Workforce Development Center

Kankakee, Illinois


Legat Architects


Kankakee Community College


50,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


The Workforce Development Center is the center for corporate and continuing education in the Kankakee community. The program called for a new campus entry that sets a progressive tone, inspires future campus development, and increases opportunities for community members and businesses.
The three-story facility houses technology-rich classrooms and computer labs, a multimedia lecture hall, a dining presentation room, a glass-enclosed conference room, a student-services area and offices. Learning areas will serve as models for the redesign of other classrooms throughout the campus.
Situated at the heart of the campus, a gate-like structure represents the entry to the Workforce Development Center and the campus. Precast concrete was chosen to contrast with the red brick of surrounding buildings. Sculptural red and yellow staircases serve as fire exits, complementing and energizing the overall composition of the entry. A 210-foot-long glass curtainwall reveals enclosed social areas of activity.

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Cost per Sq Ft


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2005 Architectural Portfolio

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