Jordan Middle School, Additions and Remodeling

Jordan, Minnesota


DLR Group


Jordan Public Schools, ISD 717


181,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Jordan School District wanted to re-imagine its 1960s middle school into a flexible learning environment capable of supporting a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math) program. The design team worked with stakeholders, investigated various grade-level clusters and educational delivery concepts, then designed an extensive renovation and addition to respond to the district’s vision.
Simultaneously, the district constructed a major addition housing the Community Education and Recreation Center (CERC) with fitness, recreation, and meeting spaces. The school changes educational delivery. It apportions students into two academic clusters­ housing 5th-6th grade students and 7th-8th grade students. The renovated clusters, each with flex spaces, labs and teacher support areas, are flexible enough to accommodate a variety of configurations for student work. The original shared common areas received minor renovations.
A creative adaptation of the building’s core used existing structural columns and raised the roof by 15 feet to house an expanded mechanical system and bring natural light deep into the commons area. The raised section defines a new secure entrance adjacent to the school’s administrative offices.

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft



Silver Citation

Featured in

2017 Educational Interiors Showcase



Interior category

Interior Renovation

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