John Young Middle School

Mishawaka, Indiana


DLZ Indiana


School City of Mishawaka


198,835 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


A new image and new team-based curriculum were required when the district consolidated two schools into a single 1,050-student middle school.
The building’s massing responds to the function of the interior spaces. Simple exterior forms create visual interest and reduce the overall scale of the building, which is nestled into a neighborhood. The identifiable building entry results from the composition of building forms and the creation of outdoor gathering spaces. Site development includes new parking areas, athletic fields, learning centers and landscaping.
The internal circulation unifies the new and existing portions of the facility. The gymnasium, large-group instruction, computer lab and reception rooms are located to accommodate community use. The reception rooms are an extension of the main lobby and feature glass overhead doors, exposed structure and indirect lighting.
A range of material and finishes is incorporated throughout the project, each responding to the functional and aesthetic needs of the room or area.
A direct-digital-control (DDC) building-automation system integrates the mechanical systems to maximum energy efficiency. The technology system includes provisions for voice, data and telephones throughout the school, with a fiber-optic link to outside points.

Photographer: ©Art Hansen Photographic

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft


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