Indian Hill School
Holmdel, New Jersey
The comprehensive renovation and addition of the Indian Hill School is the key element of the Holmdel Township Public School District’s expansion program. Growth within the district necessitated a building program to accommodate an estimated 600 additional students.
After extensive study, the Board of Education approved a facility plan that implemented grade-level realignment to place students in optimal age groupings, and maximize use of existing facilities and land. The Indian Hill School has been designed using a house concept to accommodate 1,125 students in grades 3-6. The plan has the benefit of giving the students a sense of being in a smaller school, while providing opportunities to coordinate curriculum, share supplies and make the most economic use of the core facilities. The school’s ample site eliminated the expense of purchasing additional land for the expansion.
The original portion of the school serves as the third- and fourth-grade wing, while the fifth- and sixth-grade house occupies the addition. Fifth-grade classrooms are contained on the first floor; sixth grade on the second.
Photographer: ©Matt Wargo
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1999 Architectural Portfolio
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