Hillsborough Community College New Administration Building

Tampa, Florida


Baker Barrios Architects


Hillsborough Community College


45,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Design team
Kris Young (Project Architect); Sydney Moeller (Interior Designer); Stantec (Civil); Master Consulting Engineers (Structural); TLC Engineering Solutions (MEP)

A new administration building is on the Hillsborough Community College Dale Mabry Campus. A public lobby spans the width of the building and provides access to the north, east, and west. The office departments are accessible beyond a security checkpoint adjacent to the main lobby. The ground floor includes a board room and conference room conveniently situated off the public lobby, reducing the need for the public to proceed past the security checkpoint. This building has three stories and is 52 feet high to the top of the tallest parapet.

One of the main features of this project is the curved metal screen wall. The wall curves toward and frames the main entry of the building. It is the featured architectural moment in the building, providing a contrast to the rectilinear office building beyond.

The facades of this project are tilt-wall concrete, finished and painted with gray tones to provide a neutral background to the metal screen wall feature at the front of the building. The corners on the east and west facades have a distinct finish that appears as though the north and south facades are separated.

Additional Information

Associated Firm

Stantec; Master Consulting Engineers; TLC Engineering Solutions

Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2023 Architectural Portfolio

Interior category

Administrative Areas/Offices

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