Hazelwood Southeast Middle School

Spanish Lake, Missouri


Bond Architects, Inc.


Hazelwood School District


113,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


The collaboration of three K-12 academic architectural firms helped this growing school district succeed in developing four new middle schools at once. Community-engagement efforts enabled staff, parents and students to help with space programming and develop a master plan to address long-term growth.
The centerpiece of Hazelwood Southeast Middle School is the library and media center, which incorporates the latest advancements in technology. The media center fosters student learning activities and provides a social, interactive area for student gatherings.
The multipurpose gymnasium serves many roles, supporting community sports recreation, physical-education classes, music classes and as a performance venue.
Each middle school is designed to accommodate 900 students and is separated into a three-story classroom wing containing an administrative office on each level, bringing a presence of security and management throughout the facility.
Using a team-building concept, this architects’ collaboration made each of these middle schools a success.

Additional Information

Associated Firm

PB World; TR,i Architects

Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2008 Educational Interiors

Interior category

Libraries/Media Centers

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