Hartselle High School, Tiger Cafe

Hartselle, Alabama


Goodwyn Mills Cawood


Hartselle City Board of Education


243,679 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Hartselle High School’s commons, dining area and cafeteria, known as the Tiger Cafe, are located at the core of the brand new school’s L-shaped design. The school board wanted the modern cafeteria to be an attractive, comfortable place where students could relax during their only big break of the day.

The a-la-carte style serving line flows naturally to the cashier stations then directly through to the open seating area with a multitude of seating available. Individual tables with matching chairs, booth seating along the interior wall, mobile cafeteria tables, and bar-style seating are among the wide array of options for students. The glass-encased south wall provides visibility to the outdoor dining area and interior courtyard where tables line the patio, enabling students to enjoy the sunshine while they eat.

The spacious, fully-equipped kitchen contains a large dry storage room, walk-in cooler, walk-in freezer and office space for the kitchen manager.

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2014 Educational Interiors

Interior category

Cafeterias/Food-Service Areas

Product suppliers specified

Shelving/Storage by Claridge
Walls/Wall Materials by Carnegie
Walls/Wall Materials by Knoll
Flooring by American Olean
Flooring by LATICRETE
Doors by Algoma Hardwoods
Cafeteria Furniture by Landscape Forms
Draperies/Blinds by Levelor
Cafeteria Furniture by Formica
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