Gyrene Lockers

Ave Maria, Florida


Ave Maria University


4,800 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Design team
Victor J. Latavish AIA (Architect); Michael Thomas and Tyler Thorp (Contract Documents); Q. Grady Minor (Civil Engineers); Liebl & Barrow (Structural Engineers); Mark Brant PE (Mechanical Engineer); Steven Stafford PE (Electrical Engineer)

Ave Maria University believes in the total formation of body, mind, and spirit, and needed locker rooms for its football and baseball teams. The university was founded by Thomas Monaghan, a Marine, and all of its teams—including football, baseball, softball, soccer, and lacrosse—are named the Gyrenes, the nostalgic USMC moniker for “Government Issue Marine.” Even the football team’s helmets sport a camouflage pattern.

Accordingly, the utilitarian structure is spartan and nostalgic. The rooms are arranged for fast team access to the locker and shower areas. Construction is sturdy and rough, and sustainable materials used are cost-effective and durable.

Curved galvanized metal panels are bolted together to create a barrel vault; seams and fasteners are sealed and then painted with a camouflage pattern. Interior CMU walls support chilled water HVAC equipment on a mezzanine in the upper portion of the barrel arch structure. Each end of the Quonset hut has a metal canopy and an overhead garage door for the Gyrenes to quickly enter and exit as a team.

Additional Information



Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2023 Architectural Portfolio


Sports Stadiums/Athletic Facilities

Interior category

Physical Education Facilities/Recreation Centers

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