Gudy Gaskill Elementary School
Littleton, Colorado
Gudy Gaskill Elementary was named for Coloradan mountaineer Gudy Gaskill. The school was designed with a mountain theme in mind. A “learning trail” is a design element inspired by the Highline Canal Trail, which aligns with the school’s property. It is one of the longest trails in urban Colorado, stretching 71 miles and crossing through 11 governmental jurisdictions. The “learning trail” includes design elements such as a curved ceiling and flooring patterns that create a trail-like feel. This motif is reflected throughout the school, connecting classroom pods and flexible learning areas. Earthy colors and materials such as boulders for flexible seating enhance this motif in the school. Gudy Gaskill Elementary is scheduled to be completed in August 2022 in time for a new school year.
Additional Information
Associated Firm
Hord Coplan Macht; Howell Construction
Cost per Sq Ft
Featured in
2022 Educational Interiors Showcase
Work in Progress
Interior category
Interior Work in Progress
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