Grant Community High School
Fox Lake, Illinois
The architect has served Grant Community High School District 124 since 2005. The team relocated the school’s existing library by creating a new 13,360-square-foot addition to house a Learning Resource Center, computer labs and several classrooms. High ceilings and low shelving provide openness. Smaller learning spaces were created through organization of furniture and fittings.
The resource center accommodates casual seating for individual learning, large movable tables for group or class collaboration, and technology spaces. The design also maximizes the benefits of natural light. North-facing glass in combination with an eastern exterior sun-shading device minimize glare and create an inviting interior.
The team also designed new educational wings for a science and art expansion. These additions added about 62,000 square feet of classroom space to accommodate increased student enrollment. The campus also was expanded with a 60,000-square-foot fieldhouse that serves as the new home for varsity athletics and physical education. The fieldhouse is accompanied by a plaza that serves as a gathering area and connection among all sports facilities, including a new synthetic-turf sports field with bleachers.
The series of additions and renovations has created a fresh identity for Grant High School and enables the district to deliver third-millennium teaching and learning.
"A simple design that still has character. Outstanding use of daylight."–2010 jury
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Cost per Sq Ft
High School Citation
Featured in
2010 Architectural Portfolio