Grace College and Theological Seminary, Orthopaedic Capital Center

Winona Lake, Indiana


Design Collaborative


Grace College & Theological Seminary


63,287 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Grace College and Theological Seminary is a steadily growing private higher-education institution in Winona Lake, Ind. In response to recent growth, it needed a multipurpose facility so that its students could gather for chapel services, basketball and volleyball games. The Winona Lake/Warsaw business community, known for its focus on orthopaedics, needed a place to hold conferences, trade shows and business meetings.

Grace College and Theological Seminary teamed with several community orthopaedic companies to fund and plan this unique facility. First, the design team remediated the site, which had been a dump for hazardous materials. The $9.4 million Orthopaedic Capital Center (OCC) was designed cost-effectively with a metal building core, accented by brick detailing and curved walls. The OCC features the latest in sports flooring, event seating, a movable stage and energy-efficient arena lighting.

The Grace OCC has enriched the Warsaw-area community. This athletic arena/event center provides 1,800 seats for athletic events; 2,600 seats for concerts and trade show events; and 650 seats for banquet events. The OCC also features three large meeting rooms and is home to the college’s athletic department. 


Additional Information



Cost per Sq Ft


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2008 Architectural Portfolio

Product suppliers specified

Other by Da-Lite Screen Co
Other by Grenon Wallcovering
Other by KM Fabrics
Washroom/Shower Partitions by Lawler
Washroom/Shower Partitions by Santana Products
Security Systems by Best Access Systems
Wire Management by Leviton
Doors by Ives
Doors by Marshfield Door Systems
Doors by Overhead Door
HVAC Control Devices by ASI Controls
HVAC Control Devices by Belimo
HVAC Control Devices by Johnson Controls
HVAC Control Devices by Kele
Classroom Furniture by Irwin Seating
Movable Partitions/Walls by Modernfold
Door Hardware by Glynn-Johnson
Door Hardware by Hager
Door Hardware by Hewi
Door Hardware by LCN Closers
Door Hardware by National Guard Products
Door Hardware by Rockwood
Door Hardware by Von Duprin
Bleachers/Grandstands by Sheridan Seating
Bleachers/Grandstands by Track Corp
IAQ Devices by Armacell
IAQ Devices by Greenheck
IAQ Devices by Ruskin
Emergency Lighting by McPhilben
Carpet by Lees
Lighting & Accessories by Bronzelite
Lighting & Accessories by Day-Brite Lighting
Lighting & Accessories by
Lighting & Accessories by Liton
Lighting & Accessories by Omega Glass
Windows by Kawneer
Washroom Fixtures by Acorn Mfg.
Washroom Fixtures by Centoco
Washroom Fixtures by Delta Faucet
Washroom Fixtures by Elkay
Washroom Fixtures by Fiat
Washroom Fixtures by Kohler
Washroom Fixtures by Woodford
Drinking Fountains by Oasis
Paint/Wallcoverings by Porter Paints
Paint/Wallcoverings by Sherwin-Williams
Ceilings by Armstrong World Industries
HVAC Units by Berco
HVAC Units by Fuijitsu
HVAC Units by York
Athletic Equipment by Advantage Divider
Athletic Equipment by American Athletics
Athletic Equipment by Spaulding Lighting
Athletic Equipment by Sports Imports
Whiteboards / Markerboards / Chalkboards by Claridge
Plumbing by Armstrong World Industries
Plumbing by Lochinvar
Plumbing by Pro-Flo
Plumbing by Zurn
Roofing by Carlisle SynTec
Roofing by Fabral
Roofing by Knauf Insulation
Roofing by Omega Glass
Roofing by Sno-Gem
Roofing by Sonneborn
Roofing by Tamko
Elevators by Otis Elevator
Fire/Life-Safety Systems by Anvil
Fire/Life-Safety Systems by Argco
Fire/Life-Safety Systems by Erico
Fire/Life-Safety Systems by
Fire/Life-Safety Systems by Kennedy Valve
Fire/Life-Safety Systems by Notifier
Fire/Life-Safety Systems by Potter Roemer
Fire/Life-Safety Systems by Victaulic
Fire/Life-Safety Systems by Viking Corp.
Locks by Best Access Systems
Ceramic Tile by Dal-Tile
Flooring by Johnsonite
Flooring by Mannington
Flooring by Stoneshield
Washroom Accessories by Bradley Corporation
Washroom Accessories by Koala Kare
Physical-Education Flooring by Connor Sport Court
Insulation by Knauf Insulation
Projection Screens by Da-Lite Screen Co
Paint/Wallcoverings by Grenon Wallcovering
Paint/Wallcoverings by KM Fabrics
Paint/Wallcoverings by KM Fabrics
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