Gila Ridge High School

Yuma, Arizona


VCBO Architecture


Yuma Union High School District No. 70


275,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Gila Ridge High School provides an innovative and environmentally responsive design resulting from a lively collaboration of stakeholders. The district determined the need for the new building, interviewed architects, and then set up a group to begin defining the program for a student-centered facility.
The programming and design committee included administration, facilities/maintenance personnel, department heads and teachers from the existing four comprehensive high schools; parents; and most important, students. Small learning communities were requested from all stakeholders—even the science teachers were willing to separate labs to achieve this goal.
Sustainable measures incorporated into the design include the careful and conscious orientation of the building along the east-west axis (all classrooms have only south- or north-facing fenestration); the use of locally produced and low-VOC building materials; and the selection of a chilled-water mechanical system for cooling, rather than the package rooftop units commonly used in the area. Electrically, the building uses multi-level lighting options and occupancy sensors within individual spaces to accommodate different classroom activities, as well as save energy. Classroom daylighting was modeled, and sloped ceilings with high light reflectance were used to draw natural light deep into each classroom. The building envelope design, including the use of high-performance glazing and light-colored exterior materials, also contributes to this exceptionally conscientious facility.

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Cost per Sq Ft


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2008 Architectural Portfolio

Product suppliers specified

Auditorium/Assembly Furniture by Hussey Seating
Doors by Arcadia
Doors by Von Duprin
HVAC Control Devices by STAEFA Control System
Classroom Furniture by Prodigy Chair
Door Hardware by Arcadia
Door Hardware by Von Duprin
Bleachers/Grandstands by Hussey Seating
Emergency Lighting by Lightolier
Carpet by Lees
Lighting & Accessories by Columbia
Lighting & Accessories by Kim Lighting
Lighting & Accessories by Lightolier
Washroom Fixtures by American Standard
Washroom Fixtures by Kohler
Washroom Fixtures by Zurn
Drinking Fountains by HAWS
Paint/Wallcoverings by Sherwin-Williams
Cabinets by Justrite
Laundry Equipment by Whirlpool
Ceilings by GAF Materials
Cafeteria Furniture by Prodigy Chair
HVAC Units by Carrier
Athletic Equipment by GearBoss
Clocks/Time Management by Dukane
Hand-Drying Equipment by Bobrick
Kitchen Equipment by Beverage Air
Kitchen Equipment by Blodgett
Kitchen Equipment by Hobart
Whiteboards / Markerboards / Chalkboards by Claridge
Plumbing by Kohler
Plumbing by Zurn
Roofing by GAF Materials
Computers by Hewlett Packard
Whiteboards / Markerboards / Chalkboards by Claridge
Elevators by Schindler Elevator
Fire/Life-Safety Systems by Notifier
Science Furniture by Prodigy Chair
Washroom Accessories by Gamco
Communications Systems by Avaya
Physical-Education Flooring by Aacer Flooring
Office Furniture by National Office Furniture
Insulation by CertainTeed
Lockers by Allmetal
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