General Omar Bradley Elementary School

Fort Leavenworth, Kansas


Ciaccio Dennell Group


Fort Leavenworth USD No. 207


80,920 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Bradley Elementary School presented the challenge of arranging classrooms adjacent to special offerings as part of a reconstruction project. Integrating the 35,427 square feet that remained with 45,493 new square feet compounded the challenge. Continued occupancy during construction further complicated the task.
The two-story elliptical rotunda acts as a central hub with corridors and special spaces radiating from the center. The rotunda’s volume and floor, midway between adjacent floor elevations, maintains continuity with the two-story classroom pod, unifying otherwise disparate spaces. Ramping corridors throughout reinforce continuity between multiple levels, allowing the school to feel as though it were a single story.
School curriculum centers on the literary arts. A simulated upper balcony of library stacks in the commons reflects that theme. The domed ceiling vaults to a center cupola to provide natural light, with traditional interiors, including oak trim, iron rails and turned columns. Tile wainscotting and tackable wallcovering above line the circulation space, offering resiliency low and display high. Fluted pilasters and paneled soffits identify classroom entries, merging traditional instruction with technology, and creating a comfortable, homelike learning environment.

“The design has character. The classrooms are laid out very well and will function well for students and teaching staff. Stoage is well-thought-out.”–2001 Educational Interiors Showcase jury

Additional Information



Cost per Sq Ft



Silver Citation

Featured in

2001 Educational Interiors;2001 Architectural Portfolio

Interior category


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