Gateway Regional Middle School/High School

Huntington, Massachusetts


Gateway Regional School District


184,524 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Gateway Regional Middle School/High School serves seven communities in western Massachusetts. It was part of a $46 million districtwide capital-improvement project encompassing six school facilities.
The facility was constructed as a high school in 1961; a middle school was added in 1972. This project included comprehensive renovations of the existing facility and construction of several additions.
Two major additions anchor the front elevation. The first contains the main entrance to the complex; a performing-arts center housing a 650-seat auditorium, music rooms and support spaces; and a health center serving the community.
The second major addition is a new sports center that contains a gymnasium, wellness center, and locker, team and training rooms. A second floor was added within a portion of the original gymnasium to provide additional program space.
The facility was zoned to accommodate after-hours use for school events and by the community. A common entry point for all students leads into a “main street” corridor that provides access to spaces shared by both school populations, and leads to their separate educational components.
The facility also contains a distance-learning center. Students share classes with other districts, and participate in courses offered by colleges and universities worldwide. The space and its teleconferencing capabilities serve as tools for staff development.

Additional Information



Cost per Sq Ft


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2004 Architectural Portfolio

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