Galloway Township Middle School
Absecon, New Jersey
The Galloway Township Middle School is designed to accommodate a team-oriented middle school program for grades 7 and 8. The school is organized into teams—four per grade. Dedicated general, science/laboratory and special-education classrooms serve team clusters.
Core facilities are located along the main street, or commons. The large media/center library serves as the focal point of the school. A theater/media arts room containing a dance studio, as well as promotion and TV studio areas, is opposite the media center. An innovative multilevel cafetorium/multipurpose room is at the end of the main street. This flexible space is used as a dining/meeting area for students, as well as an auditorium for theatrical programs. Two music rooms have direct access to the back of the stage.
The linear features of the contemporary middle school are emphasized by using vertical pillars and contrasting horizontal brick banding elements. The symmetrically designed academic wings represent strong geometric architectural forms that are connected by the curved and fenestrated facade of the library/media center.
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Featured in
2001 Architectural Portfolio
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