Fruitport High School
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Design Team
Matt Slagle, Tom Kaywood, Patrick Noyes, Ben Rambadt, Yvonne VanWormer, Perry Hausman, Joe Chapman, Scott Smith, Scott Garberick, Ryan Schwartz, Aaron Riess, Alexis Orr
Fruitport High School expanded over the years from its original 1955 construction to include additions in 1963, 1999, and 2005. Although newer portions were in fair condition, original portions were outdated and connected by long, narrow corridors. TowerPinkster conducted a facility assessment and determined that the best solution for transformation, while staying within budget, called for removing much of the older, poorly functioning areas in the center, and connecting the newer additions at either end of the building with an appropriately scaled two-story academic wing. This new addition opens onto a student commons area featuring two clearly defined entrances—one for visitors and students arriving by bus, and the other for staff and students arriving by car. Accordingly, bus, car and pedestrian circulation zones have been reorganized for safety and security. Features of the new two-story academic addition include offices, an auditorium, woodshop, kitchen, and cafeteria, locker commons, science and computer labs and classrooms with shared learning space.
This project has received international attention for being one of the first schools in the world with design elements that support student creativity and collaboration while also working to reduce the harm that could be caused in an active shooter situation. Some specific features of the building:
• Curved corridors to reduce the sight lines of an active shooter.
• Wing walls that stick out perpendicularly about four feet from main walls in corridors and in classrooms to reduce sight lines and serve as a place for students to hide.
• Glass coated with impact-resistant film and an access control system enabling administrators to lock down the entire building with the push of a button.
Additional Information
Cost per Sq Ft
Featured in
2022 Architectural Portfolio
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