Franklin L. Williams Middle School

Jersey City, New Jersey


Clarke Caton Hintz


New Jersey School Construction Corp./Jersey City School District


164,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


One of the first new community-based school buildings to be built under New Jersey’s Abbott program, Franklin L. Williams Middle School is a modern three-story structure that can accommodate 900 students in grades 6 to 8.
In order to provide the most conducive learning environment, the school is organized on a house concept where students have typical classes in a small cluster of rooms and leave this area only for gym, band, media and lunch. Each grade is divided into two houses of seven general classrooms each, with each cluster situated in its own wing of the building. The individual grades are divided by floor. This arrangement creates a small-scale environment where students feel comfortable and can be supervised easily.
The building is designed to facilitate community activities when school is not in session. Community access is provided to the gym, auditorium, cafeteria and multimedia center without opening the classroom wings. The building is designed to be both a wonderful learning environment and a highly energy-efficient structure.

Additional Information



Cost per Sq Ft


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2007 Architectural Portfolio

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