Franklin High School

Franklin, Texas


3D/International, Inc.


Franklin Independent School District


107,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


This new high school is planned to provide for an optimum capacity of 400 students, with core facilities designed to support a population of 600.
The design will contain about 20 generic classrooms including additional science, language and computer labs to support the required instructional programs.
A publicly accessible library/media center will act as a community-wide information and learning center. A major commons area will function as the school dining hall and will be able to seat half of the student body at each lunch period. A gymnasium supported by athletic and physical-education dressing areas also is included. Music, drama and art programs will be enhanced by a formal auditorium and stage, which will serve as the cornerstone for the district’s fine-arts activities.
Future expansion of the new high school will be accomplished easily through the design of preplanned classroom expansion areas.

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2006 Architectural Portfolio


Work in Progress

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