Felix Varela Senior High School

Miami, Florida


Reynolds, Smith and Hills, Inc.


Miami-Dade County Public Schools


300,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Felix Varela Senior High in southwest Miami-Dade County relieves crowding at the overpopulated Braddock Senior High School. The project was delivered under budget and three months ahead of schedule.
The project received a $1,775,085 Florida Department of Education School Infrastructure Thrift (SIT) Award, recognizing compliance with requirements on total cost per square foot and student stations.
The building is organized around an H plan with a double axis. Community spaces such as the gymnasium, cafeteria and auditorium are housed on one leg of the H; academic spaces are on the other. The connection spine of the H houses the media center and laboratories. The H plan provides two plazas—the entry plaza serves the auditorium, which is accessed by the community, and the other serves the student patio and gym. The dining facility is in the center of the school on the central axis.

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Cost per Sq Ft


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2002 Architectural Portfolio

AS&U Design Competitions

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