Farley Elementary School

Topeka, Kansas


HTK Architects


Auburn Washburn USD 437


91,683 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Commissioned by the Auburn Washburn Board of Education to design Elementary School No. 7 for the district, the design team was charged with providing a space for 600 K-6 students and 120 early-childhood and special-education students that encouraged creativity, improved student performance and improved building performance, without being overwhelming in size or scale.

The solution needed to create positive learning environments through quality of space and building community. Taking advantage of known positive outcome studies for air quality, daylighting, color, texture and materials, and using them to provide a secure, environmentally responsible environment were paramount to the success of the building operationally and, more important, educationally.

The solution breaks the building down into smaller areas of specific uses to help manage the scale of the building. Instead of simply providing corridors to these areas, the design is intended to encourage the education program to create journeys to places where students can interact with the larger community while engaging in cognitive activities, education activities and social growth. The solution also provides creative and unique spaces at the room scale, utilizing shapes, color, materials, daylight, media and thermal comfort to provide a creative learning environment.

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Cost per Sq Ft


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2011 Architectural Portfolio

Product suppliers specified

Carpet by Collins & Aikman
Carpet by Tandus
Physical-Education Flooring by Johnsonite
Brick/Masonry by Cloud Ceramics
Cabinets by Wilsonart
Cabinets by Nevamar
Ceilings by USG
Insulation by Thermafiber
Movable Partitions/Walls by Modernfold
Paint/Wallcoverings by Sherwin-Williams
Plumbing by Sloan Valve
Lighting & Accessories by Hubbell Lighting
Lighting & Accessories by Kim Lighting
Emergency Lighting by Dual-Lite
Fire/Life-Safety Systems by Von Duprin
Fire/Life-Safety Systems by Larsen's
Locks by Best Access Systems
Drinking Fountains by Halsey Taylor
Hand-Drying Equipment by Excel Dryer
Washroom Accessories by Kohler
Washroom Accessories by BrassCraft
Washroom Fixtures by Kohler
Washroom Fixtures by Sloan Valve
HVAC Control Devices by Johnson Controls
HVAC Control Devices by
IAQ Devices by Johnson Controls
Kitchen Equipment by Russco
Kitchen Equipment by Kolpak
Whiteboards / Markerboards / Chalkboards by Claridge
Signage by Best Sign Systems
Wire Management by Mockett
Multipurpose Areas Furniture by Urbanscape
Flooring by Armstrong World Industries
Flooring by Johnsonite
Ceramic Tile by Crossville
Door Hardware by Best Access Systems
Doors by Graham Wood Doors
Plumbing by Chicago Faucets
Roofing by Sarnafil
Windows by Manko Window Systems
Lighting & Accessories by Williams
Hand-Drying Equipment by American Dryer
Draperies/Blinds by MechoShade
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