Eastern Regional High School, Science Wing Addition
Voorhees, New Jersey
The Science Wing addition to Eastern Regional High School provides six general classrooms, five new science labs, three prep rooms, a technology lab and a supporting teachers’ workroom. The addition also links two classroom wings together and improves circulation.
The fundamental goals of the project were to consolidate technology-driven laboratory space into a science and technology wing, and revamp the regional high school’s information hub. The furniture and lab equipment provide flexible designs to accommodate technology. In selecting casework and furnishings, the architect relied on the input of science teachers and school administrators.
The general-purpose science lab features kidney-shaped student stations. The physics lab features flat lab tables suited for that academic program.
An indirect lighting system minimizes glare on the computer screens. Fresh interior treatments and color schemes were introduced to foster a warm, inviting learning environment.
The architect completed the district’s five-year facility plan and helped it obtain a grant for the project from the state of New Jersey. A public information campaign helped pass a $9.4 million bond referendum to secure the remainder of the funding for the project.
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2006 Educational Interiors
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