East Oldham Middle School

Crestwood, Kentucky


Scott/Klausing & Company, Inc.


Oldham County Board of Education


91,748 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


East Oldham Middle School (EOMS), the first school on the 150-acre East Campus in Oldham County, Ky., is bounded by a new subdivision and historic farmland, and will soon be joined by the new Locust Grove Elementary School.
Set well off Highway 22, EOMS spans the horizon over the rolling,
pasture-like entrance to the campus. The brick exterior and columns, wrapped with precast banding, and sloping shingle roofs reflect neighborhood homes.
A skylight over the main entry leads into the interior filled with natural lighting. Booths with a view were used in the cafeteria for those who want a change from the regular seating. Reading, writing and computer skills can be fine-tuned with the latest technology in the library/media center. The multipurpose room and gymnasium are separated by a raised platform stage that is usable from either room.
Mezzanines above corridors allow easy access to all mechanical, electrical and communications distribution. The corridors are tornado shelters. Colors for the EOMS Patriots are red, white and blue.

Additional Information



Cost per Sq Ft


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2006 Architectural Portfolio

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