East Kentucky Science Center

Prestonsburg, Kentucky


Nolan & Nolan, Inc.


Commonwealth of Kentucky


10,741 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


The primary design goal for this education facility was to create an external image that reflects the primary internal function. The major element of the center is a planetarium; therefore, the exterior image is articulated to reflect the spiral stage of the galaxy, including slightly curved low elements to complement the large volume of the planetarium.
The centerpiece of the facility is the 85-seat planetarium’s Sky Theater, a GOTO Chromos Star Project—one of only four in the world. It can transform the 40-foot dome with 8,500 optically projected stars representing the night sky at any time or date as seen anywhere on Earth. The planetarium, in essence, is a virtual-reality theater with video, laser graphics, multi-images and surround sound.
The 3,000-square-foot exhibition hall provides flexible floor and wall space to accommodate touring exhibits, allowing both visual and hands-on experiences. A 1,000-square-foot demonstration classroom is equipped to bring all aspects of science to life for students and teachers.

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2005 Architectural Portfolio



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