East Grand Rapids Performing Arts Center
East Grand Rapids, Michigan
This performing-arts center incorporates a classic European opera-house style to enhance intimacy, and reduce the building footprint and its apparent mass to the community.
Multiple balconies allow flexible audience size and draw the audience closer to the performers.
The professional-sized stage includes an orchestra pit and shell, general scenery battens, and space for future battens. A small catwalk at the upper rear of the stage allows increased backlighting, and rear projection for special effects and instruction. A ceiling tension grid is used for theater and house lighting positions. A third balcony provides space for lighting, sound positions and controls.
Backstage support is provided by a scene shop, dressing rooms, a makeup room, a green room and storage under the stage.
The audience enters and departs the facility through the main-level lobby, designed to showcase artwork.
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Cost per Sq Ft
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2003 Architectural Portfolio
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