East Boston High School

Boston, Massachusetts


Cole and Goyette, Architects and Planners


Boston Department of Neighborhood Development


208,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


The extensive rehabilitation of East Boston High School, along with a new addition, creates a learning environment for the 21st century. The school retains many of the original durable materials such as the terrazzo floors and glazed brick in the corridors; oak wood cabinets, slate blackboards and wood floors in the classrooms; the brass fixtures, marble wall panels and carved plaster decoration in the main entrance; the wood paneling and wood seats in the auditorium; and red brick and beige limestone exterior.
New educational facilities include an 18,000-square-foot addition. The renovation of the 1926 building included new engineering systems, technology network and seismic upgrades, accessibility and site improvements.
Also included were a new gym with bleachers, offices, locker rooms with showers, faculty dining area and kitchen.

Additional Information



Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2001 Architectural Portfolio



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