Duncanville High School

Duncanville, Texas




Duncanville Independent School District


863,137 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


This high school is home to both a ninth-grade community and grades 10 to 12. The communities are separated by a central elective and academic core called the “Central Academic District.” Situated along the school’s main corridor are state-of-the-art elective opportunities for all students, including culinary arts, agriculture, building trades, photography, auto body/technology and more. Large-group instruction areas, multipurpose lecture rooms and instructional resource centers that overlook the campus library also are featured prominently in the school’s design.
Many spaces boast natural light, and it is most abundant in the main corridor. Creative treatments of durable materials on walls and ceilings add excitement and wayfinding devices to the interior. Security and academics are decentralized to ensure the school’s size has no impact on safety or curriculum delivery.
The building has electronic whiteboards, an innovative wireless network that connects the school to other buildings in the district, a Category 6 voice and data network, and projection systems with 100-inch diagonal screens in all classrooms.

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2008 Educational Interiors

Interior category

Common Areas

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