DREAM Charter School, East Harlem Center for Living and Learning

East Harlem, New York


Perkins Eastman


Harlem RBI


58,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


East Harlem Center for Living and Learning encompasses a public charter school for grades K to 8; 89 environmentally responsible, affordable housing units (Yomo Toro Apartments); a community center for use after school hours; program and office space for the year-round youth development program Harlem RBI; and a renovated and revitalized park at the school’s doorstep. It is also an extraordinary example of public and private agencies and organizations—all told, more than 80—and the design community working together to create a place of promise and potential for future generations. The project reinforces the maxim that access to education is the “great equalizer.”
Within the school, space is dedicated for community use during all hours of the day. The gymnasium and cafeteria, which are situated off the lobby, may be used by the community in the evening and on weekends.

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft



Special Citation

Featured in

2016 Educational Interiors Showcase

Interior category

Community Centers/Joint-Use Facilities

Product suppliers specified

Carpet by Interface
Flooring by Mannington
Physical-Education Flooring by Connor Sport Court
Brick/Masonry by Belden Brick
Brick/Masonry by Tri-State Brick & Stone
Ceilings by Armstrong World Industries
Door Hardware by Sargent
Elevators by Otis Elevator
Ceramic Tile by ProSpec
Movable Partitions/Walls by Modernfold
Paint/Wallcoverings by Sherwin-Williams
Plumbing by American Standard
Roofing by Dow
Lighting & Accessories by Linear Lighting
Lighting & Accessories by Lightolier
Emergency Lighting by Linear Lighting
Locks by Sargent
Cafeteria Furniture by Sico America
Cafeteria Furniture by Artco Bell
Cafeteria Furniture by HON
Classroom Furniture by Artco Bell
Classroom Furniture by Kaplan
Classroom Furniture by HON
Library/Media Center Furniture by HON
Lounge Furniture by HON
Office Furniture by HON
Childcare Furniture by Artco Bell
Childcare Furniture by Steffy Wood Products
Childcare Furniture by Kaplan
Drinking Fountains by Elkay
Hand-Drying Equipment by Bobrick
Washroom Accessories by Bobrick
Washroom Fixtures by American Standard
Washroom/Shower Partitions by Global Partitions
Athletic Equipment by Performance Sports Systems (PSS)
Bleachers/Grandstands by Sheridan Seating
Scoreboards/Clocks by Nevco Scoreboard
Communications Systems by Artel
HVAC Units by McQuay
Draperies/Blinds by Draper
Lockers by Republic Storage Systems
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