Dr. Justina Ford Elementary School Campus

Littleton, Colorado




Littleton Public Schools


91,919 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Dr. Justina Ford Elementary was designed with collaboration and flexible learning environments in mind. Each classroom pod is situated around a common learning space complete with operable glass walls. This large group area is connected to each classroom. Classrooms can use this space by opening their overhead, garage-style doors, enabling learning to take place outside the classroom. The joint library/media center is at the heart of the school. It is designed to be an open, inviting environment surrounded by natural light. This space offers quiet reading nooks and additional areas for instruction. Flexible furniture transforms the space and enables the environment to be used in a variety of ways by students of all ages and grades.

Additional Information

Associated Firm

MOA Architects; Roche Constructors

Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2022 Educational Interiors Showcase

Interior category

Libraries/Media Centers

Product suppliers specified

Carpet by Mannington
Flooring by Mohawk Commercial Carpet
Physical-Education Flooring by Burke Flooring
Brick/Masonry by Basalite
Cabinets by Basalite
Ceilings by Maharam
Ceramic Tile by Crossville
Door Hardware by Stanley
Movable Partitions/Walls by Powers
Paint/Wallcoverings by Sherwin-Williams
Skylights by Powers
Windows by Manko Window Systems
Lighting & Accessories by Acuity Brands Controls
Emergency Lighting by Acuity Brands Controls
Drinking Fountains by Hillyard
Washroom Accessories by Hillyard
Washroom Fixtures by Hillyard
Washroom/Shower Partitions by Hillyard
Signage by Daktronics
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