Dr. John C. Page Elementary School, Gymnasium Addition and Renovations

W. Newbury, Massachusetts


Knight, Bagge and Anderson, Inc.


Town of W. Newbury


9,737 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


The John C. Page school renovation addressed many of the district’s concerns for this circa-1920 K-5 facility. The existing gymnasium was converted to a cafetorium. This was the genesis for the design and construction of a new gymnasium. The gym was placed on the northern elevation adjacent to an alcove of existing structures.
This new athletic structure was equipped with a high-performance DIN-rated wood flooring system. Translucent windows on the east and west elevations provide light without glare. High-impact clear glazing on the north elevation provides an abundance of natural light. An acoustic structure was specified to mitigate noise level during events. A dedicated lobby addition was created to connect the gym with the main school and form an entrance for after-hours gym events.

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2015 Educational Interiors Showcase

Interior category

Physical Education Facilities/Recreation Centers

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