Donna Lee Loflin Elementary School

Asheboro, North Carolina


Smith Sinnett Architecture


Asheboro City Schools


73,210 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Completed in January of 1998, this addition to Loflin Elementary transformed an awkwardly composed collection of antiquated buildings into a cohesive, brightly colorful educational environment. Situated in an established residential neighborhood across from a major city park, the school’s difficult site constraints dictated a carefully wrought infill of new construction and renovation.
A cafeteria was added to the southern portion of the existing building. To the north, a multilevel, handicapped-accessible link was added to reconcile varying floor elevations between the existing structures. Together, these two gestures clarified the school’s previously disjointed system of circulation and offered greater efficiencies in the use of the existing facilities.
The addition’s exterior expression draws upon the precedent of Loflin’s treasured 1928 Colonial-style gymnasium, generating a familiar but refreshingly animated street front facade.

Photographer: ©Peter Damroth Photography

“Contextual design respects old while creating new…good compact plan…nice materials.”—1999 jury

Additional Information



Cost per Sq Ft



Renovation/Modernization Citation

Featured in

1999 Architectural Portfolio



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