Dominican University, Centennial Hall

River Forest, Illinois


Solomon Cordwell Buenz & Associates


Dominican University


54,386 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


The Centennial Living and Learning Residence Hall represents the first phase of Dominican’s new master plan. It offers 166 new beds in a combination of two-person clusters with semi-private bathrooms and four-bedroom suites (four to eight persons) that include a living room, dinette and two bathrooms.
Situated on a prominent, highly visible site, Dominican’s new residence hall respects the surrounding neo-Gothic buildings through its scale, detailing and use of Renaissance stone and limestone cladding. Entry to the building is from Coughlin Hall, which was renovated and converted to the Living and Learning Center. This controlled access, as well as visibly exposed circulating stairs and doorways and continuous on-site security, ensures the level of protection necessary for today’s student residences.
Student amenities include two dedicated student data lines per room, conference and study rooms on each floor, multipurpose and television rooms, and vending machines.

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft


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2004 Architectural Portfolio

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