Dolphin Terrace Elementary School, Library Addition

El Paso, Texas


Prestidge Smith Razloznik Barajas Bustamante Architects


Ysleta Independent School District


4,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


The library at Dolphin Terrace Elementary School was designed with the concept of “Education as an adventure.”
The main element in the design composition is a rotunda that houses a renovated sailboat, giving thought to the idea that through reading, you can sail or travel anywhere in the universe. The nautical concept was carried through into the design of the bookshelves with their rope pier ends and the circulation desk in the form of a ship’s hull. Structural elements are exposed in certain areas to give the feeling of a boat-storage building.
A small classroom was part of the program and appears as a floating cylinder, which allows the handicapped-access ramp to wind behind. Using the ramp adds to the adventure and sense of discovery.
Niches occur everywhere and have been used by staff for placement of model lighthouses. At night the sailboat can be seen by the community and gives the impression of being a ship in a bottle.

Photographer: ©David Sabal Photography

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft


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