Daytona Beach Community College, Advanced Technology Center

Daytona Beach, Florida


Reynolds, Smith and Hills, Inc.


Daytona Beach Community College, Volusia and Flagler County Public Schools


155,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


The Advanced Technology Center (ATC) represents a new approach to information technology and workforce education. The facility contains many traditional vocational fields such as automotive, HVAC technology, machine trades and electrical technology. Along with these training areas, the academic subjects of English, math, science and social studies have been combined. The curriculum also offers a significant computer technology program.
One of the elements of the master-planning effort involved architectural programming as a means of establishing the needs and demands of the users of the Career Center. An additional element of the master plan was the use of design workshops or charettes for user groups of the facility who worked with the designers in developing conceptual plans for the project. These charettes were used to create alternatives for the long-range development of the campus.
The plans addressed critical elements of the design for the Career Center, including building placement to take advantage of natural environmental vistas; pedestrian and traffic circulation; parking requirements; developing a main entrance into the site; a phase buildout potential and property accessibility; service requirements of the building; utility and infrastructure connections; and drainage and stormwater conditions.

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2002 Architectural Portfolio


Campus Master Planning

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