Cuyahoga Community College, Technology Learning Center, West Campus
Parma, Ohio
The design for the Technology Learning Center (TLC) at Cuyahoga Community College’s Western Campus creates a dynamic open environment for digitally enhanced education. This first addition to the campus, built in 1975, creates an extension to the traditional library. It consists of 12 digital classrooms (three created for distance learning), an open computer laboratory, and several areas dedicated to teaming and tutoring—all supported with cutting-edge technology equipment and furnishings.
The original 1975 campus has several masonry academic and administrative “pods” that attach to a central galleria. The TLC was created as a simple brick pod that is pulled away from the existing facade of the library to create a two-story glazed atrium at the entry to the new building. The first-floor open computer lab is planned as an extension of the library space, visually and programmatically, with supporting edu-cation spaces surrounding it. Views between old and new, and second to first floor augment the new atrium as the social center for the addition and library.
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2003 Educational Interiors
Interior category
Libraries/Media Centers
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