Cuyahoga Community College, Corporate College

Westlake, Ohio


URS Corporation


Cuyahoga Community College


107,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Corporate College was created in an existing corporate headquarters building to function as an innovative resource center to access, foster and support continuous learning for greater Cleveland businesses.
This new facility is designed with a variety of seminar spaces and computer labs that capture the image and style of today’s informal corporate environment. At the same time, each learning space integrates a high-tech infrastructure to support a variety of teaching platforms required to “up-skill, re-skill and re-deploy” the workforce.
Classrooms vary in size and in furniture configurations, and are contiguous to open spaces to expand each classroom’s capabilities. Courses that require teaming, networking and break areas are accommodated easily. Keeping the corporate student in mind, private work spaces are tucked near classrooms for quick connections back to the office.
As a result, Corporate College combines the best of both—the academic college classroom and the expected corporate amenities to create a new and unique learning facility and “real world” business resource for greater Cleveland.

Additional Information

Associated Firm

Whitley Whitley

Cost per Sq Ft


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2004 Educational Interiors

Interior category

Interior Renovation

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