Crestview Elementary School

Ashland, Ohio


Buehrer Group Architecture & Engineering


Crestview Local Schools


56,932 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


The Crestview Local School District is nestled in a rural area just outside Ashland, Ohio. This new pre-K to 3 building has been constructed to alleviate crowding at a school building that once housed pre-K to 8. Constructed as a masonry load-bearing building with a standing-seam metal roof, this school embraces the warm textures of this material in its design and creates a structure that generates great community pride.
Within the school building itself are four classrooms per grade. The pre-kindergarten, kindergarten and first grade occupy the north wing, and the second and third grades occupy the south wing. Considerable thought was given to this division of grades; shared spaces, activities and administration act as the link between the two. Music and art classes provide a basis for student enrichment and diversity.
As a part of the site development and the campus concept, a ring road was constructed on site to reduce the amount of school-related bus traffic on local roadways during peak times.

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Cost per Sq Ft


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